Imago Dei


This is Po. He was gifted to me two summers ago by a family I love dearly. He was just a tiny thing then. He's still pretty tiny, but I just put him in a bigger pot and I'm hoping he spreads his roots around a bit and grows. Others have prayed the same for me and I suspect it's working.


I don't feel short. I'm just accustomed to everyone being taller than me. But folks, these are crop jeans, meant for normal sized people. On me they're just regular jeans. That's short folks. Short.


This past weekend the non-profit I work for held that Back to School event I told you about. We gave away over 2500 backpacks and the line of people wrapped around the entire parking lot for hours, hours I tell you, in 100 degree weather. Kids got free hair-cuts, stuffed backpacks, hugs, and lots of smiles and high fives.


I have an actual allergy to watching anything with three or more parts (with the exception of BBC films). I also like that I haven't seen so many films people consider epic and must-sees. But I decided to stick it to the man and watch Lonesome Dove—I mean, it's on Netflix, so it's easy. People kept telling me that I would love these two characters. And just between you and me, I do.


So this happened.


Because I'm lazy or because I'm narcissistic 
and I want you to love my life as much as I do, 
here's a peek: 
These are my roommates and me. We do life together. 
I tried to make this in time for Christmas, but it didn't happen, 
so now it's just my desktop background. 
I love these girls. More every day.

Today Season made Chai Indian-style. 
She's our own personal chaiwala.

Sometimes a girl just wants some good ole peanut butter and jelly on rye bread.
And I won't lie, I put corn chips on this sandwich. 
Don't judge me.

When I was little my dad had one of these that he kept on his desk, near piles of paper samples. 
I'd watch him design logos and fan myself with the colorful book. 
Now this colorful little book is my faithful friend at my own desk.

Topping my list of favorite websites these days is The Great Discontent
I won me a few of these stickers from them this week—I'll advertise for them. 
I will.

My church is going to start walking through the book of Galatians this weekend. 
I'll be walking through it with my homegroup in June, but I want to get a start on it before then. 
Day one down and already looking forward to the wrecking in my soul. Ha!

 I love New York's spectacular sunsets and I miss them.
So, I'm grateful that though I may not have mountains or rivers here in Texas, 
we get sunsets that rival upstate's. 
I'm grateful for that. So grateful.

I know I'm a few days behind and I mean to rectify that today. I do. Honest. So sorry in advance for the influx. I've been busy, but more about that later.

A friend is housesitting this week. This includes a lovely pool,
backyard, large mooing critters, massive trees, and lots of laughter.
More people should go on vacation
so she can house-sit more awesome places.
Okay? Go.

I've been working on memorizing some Bible recently.
It's the first time in my life where it doesn't feel like a task,
something to be checked off,
but because of that, it's making it a little harder to remember that I have to remember anything.
I found this chalkboard cup at work the other day
and so now now it's coffee and the day's verse.
It's helping, I'm finding.

We take our fruit very seriously around here.
No, really. We do.

Do you know about Project 7? Please know about them.

This is the most awesome thing I have ever seen in our home.
Besides my roommates, who are the most awesome living things in our home.
Season implored with me to go into a stranger's home for an estate sale,
and there, marked 50% off,
we found this lovely, comfy, colored beaut.

We don't really have a theme in our house,
so don't think we've gone all southwestern (we definitely haven't),
it's just that the color! Oh the color!
I sit here every morning, drinking coffee, reading, watching the day wake up.

It's the best.

I'll have a real post for you tomorrow, but for tonight it's just an iphone deluge of photos. Yeah? You like? You have to tell me if you like, otherwise I'll stop. It's just what you asked for, right?

Yeah. I'm one of those boring people who takes pictures of my breakfast.
But only when it's so pretty I can't handle it.
Last week when I was so sad, Season brought home this green living thing.
There isn't much that makes me happier than green living things.
(Unless said things are snakes.
This makes me very unhappy.)

Because we are girls and we were born in the 1980s,
We like You've Got Mail.
No excuses. Just that.
We love it.

You already saw some of this. But I mean, really?
Really? So pretty.
It makes the endless flat bearable.

My reading stack recently.
All winners in my book.
Er, well. Bad idiom perhaps.
But you know what I mean.

This is my, hmmm, probably number four or five attempt
to find a good home for all of our plants.
Our house gets ZERO (0) sunlight in any of the windows in the summer.
This is good because this is Texas.
But this is bad because I like houseplants.

A few months ago I met a lady at my church. She was nice. I liked her instantly.
Then I found out she was from New York. And I liked her especially much.
So we hang out sometimes and I love her more and more.
Last night we spent three hours at a Thai restaurant.
We didn't even know where the time went.
I felt like I was home for those three hours. It was lovely. Really, really lovely.

A few weeks ago I asked if you'd fill out a brief survey for me. Partly because I want to know you. But partly because I want to serve you in the material I offer here. I wasn't surprised by most of the entries, but one answer was given over and over: we want to see pictures of your life, who you are, pieces of you. This surprised me. I'm just living a small life, steady, a bit boring, filled with simple things.

These are things that give you a small glimpse into that. I guess I don't feel defined by what I do and say and see, but I feel very defined by what I think. It's imbalanced, though, I know. So here, I give you an iphone deluge of photos. Snapshots of my little life in big Texas.

This was my breakfast today. And my lunch. Might be my dinner too.
I love watermelon.

This is Po. He's had a hard time of it since his birth. I fret about him a lot.
If any of you have any brilliant ideas of how to make practically the easiest houseplant
known to man a little easier for me, I'll take your thoughts.
I promise. I've never had a harder time with a plant before.

Here's a peek at our back-porch. I love it. I do. Not as much as my 1 Grove porch.
But it's growing on me. It's also growing a lot of other things...
This is J blowing fire. No, not really. He's just lighting his pipe.
It was really dark outside. And breezy. And hot.
Perfect weather for sitting out in the backyard for a few hours.
Talk. Lots of talk.
This is one of the verses I have stuck to the bottom of my monitor at work.
I read it a lot. Evangelism is hard for me, but relationship is not.
So I go after. Right? I pursue. I chase and ask.

This is a curious little mark that showed up on my EYEBROW.
About a half inch long.

How? What? I do not know. It is slowly disappearing. Slowly.

One of the things I love about my job is that sometimes I get to take pen to paper,
which is one of my real passions. Graphic design is just a way to make money at it.
I love pens and papers.

This is a banner I made to hang on my wall. Whenever I've been in Asia
I've noticed the Buddhist prayer banners and hated that
something so beautiful wouldn't be welcome in a home where Christ was King.
But God is a creator and I think He loves it when we create.
So I created. And this is what it came out looking like.
I think God's okay with it.

I get teased a lot for the paramount of movies that I have not seen.
But I think one reason for the lack of movies that I've seen, is due to the fact
that I have seen one movie perhaps too many times to count.
The protagonist's name is Purslane Hominy Will.
"Purslane is a weed you know?"
But that didn't stop us from buying a whole pot of it a few weeks ago.
It's an awfully pretty weed.