I know I'm a few days behind and I mean to rectify that today. I do. Honest. So sorry in advance for the influx. I've been busy, but more about that later.
backyard, large mooing critters, massive trees, and lots of laughter.
More people should go on vacation
so she can house-sit more awesome places.
Okay? Go.
It's the first time in my life where it doesn't feel like a task,
something to be checked off,
but because of that, it's making it a little harder to remember that I have to remember anything.
I found this chalkboard cup at work the other day
and so now now it's coffee and the day's verse.
It's helping, I'm finding.
This is the most awesome thing I have ever seen in our home.
Besides my roommates, who are the most awesome living things in our home.
Season implored with me to go into a stranger's home for an estate sale,
and there, marked 50% off,
we found this lovely, comfy, colored beaut.
Besides my roommates, who are the most awesome living things in our home.
Season implored with me to go into a stranger's home for an estate sale,
and there, marked 50% off,
we found this lovely, comfy, colored beaut.
We don't really have a theme in our house,
so don't think we've gone all southwestern (we definitely haven't),
it's just that the color! Oh the color!
I sit here every morning, drinking coffee, reading, watching the day wake up.
It's the best.