An Invitation to Invite Yourself Over
I'm beginning work on a project that will require having many, many meals in my home over the next year. The meals will not be for entertainment sake, but something of a deeper nature. My hope is to have different people over each time, with perhaps a bit of an overlap sometimes. This isn't a community group or a way to build community (unless you do that on your own!). The purpose is selfish in that way—it's for my own study and the project.
If you want to invite yourself over to my house, here's what I can promise you:
1. Each meal will have a distinct purpose and an underlying message through what is served and how we interact over that meal—I will need people who will be willing to engage that purpose.
2. You may not like the taste, consistency, or content of the meal—but I can promise you that you will have the taste of something much more lasting in your mouth when you leave. (Also, I won't poison you. I'm a good cook.)
3. This is not for one demographic. I don't just want singles or women. I'd like families, older folks, seasoned believers, new believers, and unbelievers, men and women. You may be the only one of your demographic at that particular dinner, but I promise you won't be the only odd one out. My goal is to make it as diverse as possible. If you're a couple, or you have kids, or you're a grandparent, or a divorcee, or a single—I want you!
4. Depending on which meal you're asked to come to, it might require you to bring something. I would give you a heads up about that.
5. You get to be a part of a cool project and I'll fill you in on more details when you come over!
If this sounds in the slightest bit interesting to you, or your curiosity is piqued just a bit, please fill out this survey (all results are private). I will be in touch with you about the first meal.
This project will span most of 2014 and my hope is to have between five and seven people per meal. There are a few meals that require a specific demographic, and if you fit into that demographic in any way, I will ask for you specifically (hence the survey). Otherwise, I'll just send out an email when I have a dinner coming up and you can let me know you'd like to be included (first come, first serve). I'm also open to guests bringing guests, but we can talk about that nearer to the dinner.
If you're from out of the area, but you'll be in the DFW area over a certain period of time and you'd like to be included, OR you would like to host a meal in your own town and pay for me to get there, that would be AWESOME. Sign up!
Thanks and looking forward to meeting many of you!