Alcohol, Marriage, and Telling the Truth

Here are some articles I've enjoyed recently: One Alternative to Pessimism and Optimism by Emily Freeman. I tweeted this week that most people assume I'm an optimist and extrovert, but that I think that's just proof that God can transform a pessimist and introvert. This post came on the heels of that and I loved it. As believers we get to walk in the freedom of Christ, in Christ, and with Christ—regardless of how bleak or perfect things appear.

Two Types of Leadership by Adrian Warnock. One thing that gives me pause often is the reality that in many ways the social climate of our generation exists mainly in a virtual way, ie. social networking, email relationships, skype, etc. This article discusses the ways we're shaped by leadership in our lives, and what kind of leaders we end up being, highlighting the propensity these days to be led by others online, and landing on two distinct leadership styles.

What's Worth Staking Your Ministry On? on Gospel Driven Church. This short post hit home for me because I come from a background where drinking was taboo for various reasons—everything from alcoholism in the family to a desire to "keep a brother from stumbling" kept me from touching alcohol for many, many years. In the past few years, God has been gracious to reveal my heart and more importantly His heart in the matter. I loved how this question was answered.

#1 Career Mistake Capable People Make by Greg McKeown. Greg talks about four steps capable people make that end up shortchanging them in the future. I saw my friend link to this article as I was juggling a design freelance project, a counseling phone call, and an article due that night—needless to say, it came at the perfect moment.

The Cost of Writing Truth by Tony Woodlief. My friend Tony never fails to bring me back time and time again. I wept reading this, partially because I know what writing the truth has cost him, but partially because there is a careful and beautiful line every writer walks, and the boundaries are always a little blurry.

At Last by Jared Wilson. I shared this on facebook and I thought everyone was going to burst at the seams! I mean, let's face it, we're all a sucker for the groom's face at the first sight of his bride. Well, at least I am. But the parallel Jared draws is so much more beautiful and sweeter than any earthly image of marriage.
