Seth Haines and Amber Haines: It's rare to find a husband and wife who are both such fine wordsmiths as these two. If you visit their sites, I hope you'll note to be praying for their young son, Titus, who is struggling with his health right now.
Why Divorce Calls Children's Existence into Question: I cannot say the same for others' experiences as a child of divorced parents (or for one's own divorce experience), or even my siblings who have the same divorced parents as I do, but I can say that this article hits very close to home for me.
Building Your Un-Platform: This post was a good reminder that people are people, not just numbers, followers, or subscribers. I want Sayable to be about you, not my prospective platform. Here are two other posts of like-nature that hit home this week too: My Online Footprint by Bradford Winters and The Day Networking Died by Emily Freeman
The Fourfold Curse and the Tide's Turning on Two Words: "'But God.' Two words: the crash cart, the smelling salts, the sweet manna, the dagger in the devil’s neck." This was the best, the best thing I read this week. Sin lurks close, even the small seemingly innocuous ones, the self-pity, the jealousy, the mistrust of God. How very grateful I am for Ephesians chapter two this week: But God. But God.
How to Talk Evangelical: Addie Zierman hits home again in this post on growing up in Bible culture. I was not raised in an environment where we did things like Awana, but I have had my share of demand and jewel-driven holiness in my life. The best discipline I have ever found for my heart and my mind has been the simple index card Bible ingestion. I camp out on the same verse for days or weeks, until it is in me. Until I breathe it, not boast in it.
These pieces are spectacular. I love minimalistic art, but somehow these are both minimalistic as well as very detailed. Fabulous work!
And, if you're interested, here are some places I wrote around the web this week:
Can You Risk It? Questions to ask before you get engaged Navigating the Friend Zone Are we more than just friends? My Sin is a Black Hole A rewrite of a Valley of Vision prayer. A Long Friendship Jesus is the perfect friend, so you don't have to be.