Lip Service For the Church

Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 11.20.21 AM One of the guys I have the most respect for as a man, a pastor, a writer, a husband and father, and believer, is Jared Wilson. When he emailed me several months ago to ask if I'd consider writing for the new site from Midwestern Seminary, For the Church, I knew it was a place I'd be happy to be serve. There's nothing on earth I love more than the Church, and so there's nothing I love more than encouraging and building her up, and to get to do that under the leadership of Jared is a blessing indeed. If you haven't yet checked out For the Church, I'd encourage you to do so. I pray the content there encourages and strengthens you as you serve your local church. Here's my first post there: Lip Service. 

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If we say we believe God is sovereign, but spend our days wringing our hands and fretting, we're just doing lip-service to theology.

If we say we believe God is love, but spend our days berating ourselves and others, we're just doing lip-service to theology.

If we say we believe God is faithful, but try to control outcomes and people, we're just doing lip-service to theology.

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