Link Love

Arguing Against the 'Argument Culture' by Derek RishmawyFor the conversation to make progress, you need to acknowledge the other person's emotions. It doesn't mean you agree with what they're saying, but you need to acknowledge that he or she is upset or passionate. If you don't, there will be a roadblock in the conversation.

Six Types of Grace by Paul Tripp God’s grace is the grace of completion. There will be a day when you and I will be fully restored to who we were meant to be. There will be no more sin; there will be no more struggle. Everything will be restored, and we will worship in the presence of this amazing God of grace.

The Parable of the Winter Tomato What is the quality of your fruit? And what is the quality of your soil? A great post by Sharon Hodde Miller

Should Christians Use the Term 'Gay Christian' by Owen Strachen, We must not make the common mistake, in addition, of thinking that Christians who experience some level of same-sex attraction are somehow consumed by their sexual desires. They must fight sin of many other kinds: pride, laziness, foolishness, anger, and so on, just as every follower of Christ must. Not every person with SSA is on the brink of a Sodom-like situation. Sometimes we’re heard in those tones, and that’s not helpful. Note: I'm sharing this not because I agree with every word of it, but because I think there's food for thought here in an increasingly hostile environment toward the terms we use (or don't use) to talk about sin. 

Approach My Soul, The Mercy Seat This song has been on repeat for me the past few days. The original hymn was written by John Newton and recorded by Jamie Barnes for Sojourn Music. Fashion my heart in your alchemy // With the brass to front the devil’s perjury // And surefire grace my Jesus speaks // I must. I will. I do believe. O Lord.

Out of My Comfort Zone by Rachel Jankovic: Here is the good news for sinners and the bad news for lynch mobs: Jesus Christ died with the sins of repentant pedophiles. He became not only our sins, but the sins of the people that we are looking on in hatred.

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