Answer to Praise: a guest post by Renee Johnson Fisher

  reneefisher222Renee Johnson Fisher is a spirited speaker to the 20-somethings and author of Faithbook of Jesus & Not Another Dating Book. She loves her husband, and their newly rescued pit bull named Rock Star. She blogs at Devotional Diva

Sometimes I pray and pray and God answers. Other times I pray without noticing--at least right away--His answer.

Last night, I attended an event for an author friend of mine. Before she got up to speak about her new book, three ladies led worship. I wasn’t expecting much because they were much older than me (just sayin’).

It’s not that I can’t enter into worship with someone I don’t know, but I couldn’t follow along with the ladies song choices.

I used to be a worship leader, and I didn’t even recognize the songs they were singing!

I was looking around the room when the friend I brought with me leaned into me with a pretty grin on her blonde face and she whispered to me: sing a new song!

Those words chilled my body and my skin couldn’t help but erupted with tiny little bumps. Because earlier in the day, I posted on Twitter and Facebook a verse from the Psalms,

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth” (Psalm 96:1, NIV84).

Technically this wasn’t a prayer request. I just knew this verse was good for those who needed encouragement--including me, of course.

Recently I’ve been struggling with finding the excitement in the regular routine of life. I must say--it’s kind of neat when God answers a prayer request, excuse me--praise request, when I wasn’t even asking in the first place!

Do you ever feel like you’re going through the motions in your Christian walk? Like it’s an obligation, a duty, or because it’s the right thing to do?

You pray and pray and God answers. Other times when you’re not expecting it--God shows up and lifts you off your feet with a new song of praise.

Today I choose to sing even if I don’t know the words or it makes me uncomfortable. For it’s in the discomfort, the unknown, the mystery--I find Him--the answer.