Letters to Me: Conversations With a Younger Self

At the beginning of the year Dan Schmidt approached me about contributing an essay to his upcoming compilation: Letters to Me. Dan has been an encouraging cheer-bringer to me for the past few years concerning my writing projects and I was excited about joining the stellar lineup of writers and thinkers he compiled. The letters in this book will make you want to shake the shoulders of the writers, hug the writers, chastise the writers, and simply Love God More. But don't take my word for it:

There is something maddeningly compelling about this book. You want to leap into its pages and shake some sense into the characters just like you’re reading a page-turning novel, except that it’s real life and if you could somehow grab them by their shoulders, you would realize you were staring yourself in the face. The talent of these storytellers is revealed in how universal their personal stories are. In their stories you will experience agony and joy, pain and healing, fall and redemption. –Adam S. McHugh, author Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture

Reading them will make you think and imagine a better life — maybe even give you the courage to live one. —Jeff Goins, author, Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life

I sat down to read this book and found myself so encouraged and strengthen through the community built around life in these stories that I only stopped when I reached the end of the book. These stories are my story. And they're probably your stories. Dan Schmidt talks about "evidence of grace weaves through many of these letters" and it's these threads that strengthen you. Matthew Sims, blogger

Its wisdom does not shame; its humility inspires because these lessons are from real people. Allison

Some of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. Dorea Luther

If you'd like to purchase a copy, you can by clicking on this link. And I'd be so grateful if you did! 

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(Some of you have asked about some of the names I'm listed alongside, feel free to email me if you have questions about that—I'd love to actually dialogue with you about my reasons instead of any assumptions getting in the way here. God's glory, our joy!)