Some breadcrumbs I've picked up around the internets recently that I've been stuffing away until I could share them all with you. I suppose there's no time like the present.

Preaching to Ourselves by Joe Thorn "But the reality is, the more important the truth, the more dangerous it is when we drift from it. And we all tend to drift. We forget. So we need to hear, and hear again, the truths we think we already know."

Making the Most of Your Mornings by David Mathis "The Jesus who got up early, while it was still dark, to pray, and rose from the dead very early in the morning, is the same Jesus who will not break a bruised reed or quench a smoldering wick. He is not just our example, but our Substitute."

Eisegesis in Esther by Wendy Aslup "Conservative, complementarian Christians need to get better at confronting poor teaching among their own on women in Scripture. When prominent complementarians use such eisegesis on a Biblical text involving the sexual subjugation of a woman and no other complementarian leader confronts them, the whole of teaching on submission in marriage, male eldership, and a woman's particular role in reflecting the image of God gets tainted."

Who Taught You to Fear? by Donald Miller "He does not force us to face our fears, nor does he ridicule us because our fears are unfounded. Instead, He is simply with us. He sits by us, He comforts us, He provides for us, He loves us. All the while we fear, for no reason. Even death does not merit fear. Not from His perspective."

Angry with God by Geoff Ashley "It is never right and good to be angry at God, but if you are, don’t stay there. Humble yourself and move toward Him."

Made for the Party by Amber Haines "My church has taught me that the body was made for taking a few breaks, meant to live out the metaphor in full, stomp the weight of world into the ground. There’s joy at the table, we leaning back on our elbows, free to cackle, eyes expectantly on Jesus as He pours the free cup."

The Christian Celebrity by Tim Challies "We cross into a culture of celebrity when we assume that merit in one field or one discipline necessarily carries that merit to other fields or disciplines. More particularly, it comes when we transfer the authorityof one field into another, so that we assume the guy with the popular blog must be a great expositor of the Bible (thus transferring the authority of his success in social media into authority the pulpit)."

The Bride of Christ is a Hot Mess by Doug Wilson "In the meantime, we do not need for the bishop to proceed up the central aisle, like the biggest crow in the gutter. We do not need another message from Doctrine Man, with ten rivets in each subpoint. We do not need the worship leader to take us through yet one more orgasmic chord progression. We don’t need a doctrine of responsible stewardship and sustainability that worries more about how many times we flush than how many babies we kill. We do not need any more cardboard cut-out celebrity pastors, grinning at us, as smug as all dammit. In short, we don’t need any more of what we currently have. A.W. Tozer once cuttingly observed that if revival means more of what we have now, we most emphatically do not need a revival."