Because I'm lazy or because I'm narcissistic 
and I want you to love my life as much as I do, 
here's a peek: 
These are my roommates and me. We do life together. 
I tried to make this in time for Christmas, but it didn't happen, 
so now it's just my desktop background. 
I love these girls. More every day.

Today Season made Chai Indian-style. 
She's our own personal chaiwala.

Sometimes a girl just wants some good ole peanut butter and jelly on rye bread.
And I won't lie, I put corn chips on this sandwich. 
Don't judge me.

When I was little my dad had one of these that he kept on his desk, near piles of paper samples. 
I'd watch him design logos and fan myself with the colorful book. 
Now this colorful little book is my faithful friend at my own desk.

Topping my list of favorite websites these days is The Great Discontent
I won me a few of these stickers from them this week—I'll advertise for them. 
I will.

My church is going to start walking through the book of Galatians this weekend. 
I'll be walking through it with my homegroup in June, but I want to get a start on it before then. 
Day one down and already looking forward to the wrecking in my soul. Ha!

 I love New York's spectacular sunsets and I miss them.
So, I'm grateful that though I may not have mountains or rivers here in Texas, 
we get sunsets that rival upstate's. 
I'm grateful for that. So grateful.