Thoughts from Fabs // Fabienne Harford
A blog reader (turned friend) pointed me to Fabs blog earlier this year and I don't regret it one bit. From reading her process the death of her father, to reading her thoughts on living theologically, this girl has encouraged me time and time again (if her name sounds familiar, it's because she wrote that article Fasting From Intimacy, that I referenced in my top five articles post).

The Beginning of Wisdom // Jen Wilkin
A year and a half ago when I first came to Texas, someone recommended the women's Bible study at church and I scoffed in my heart. I did. That's the truth. In my experience, that sort of thing usually sported lots of emotional train-wrecks and bad exegesis. Well, Jen Wilkin showed me! Every week of her study left me hungering and thirsting for more gospel, and less me. Her blog does nothing less.

The Image Blog // Assorted Authors
I've known about Image for years, but not until recently did I begin reading their blog again. With some old favorite authors and some new as yet unheard ones, every post is carefully crafted and beautifully written. It's the only blog that I don't skim and only read when I have time to give my full attention.

A Beautiful Mess // Elsie Larson
My life will never look like the beauty of this girl's life, but one can peek can't they? I love the glimpses Elsie gives us into her home, her shop, her closet, and her heart. Every post is eye-candy!

The Autumn Rain // Allison Glasscock
Years ago I would get comments on this blog from this girl, and I don't know why, but I never lingered long on her own blog. It was selfishness on my part, I'm sure. But can I tell you a secret? Gems. Pure gems. Everything she writes is intentional. No unnecessary words. No dangling anything. Everything is beautiful. Her blogs are usually short, sometimes just a paragraph, so there's no excuse to not read them.

Read the rest of The Best of 2011 here.